#10 That time where Santa came down my drain pipe. And connection.

I'm spending time with my family this week, so here is a thought or two I've jotted down in some form or another before about the holidays, turning the page to the new year, and finding that thing we're all looking for:
We all look for purpose in our work. Sure, it helps if you or your kids can look back on this time and see more than a person staring at a screen all day long, but we are beings hardwired to seek our own utility. It's more than fulfilling some emotional need. We are singular, so far as we know, in the depth of our ability to delay gratification in favor of some long term goal, which drives our innovation. Purpose allows us to persist through adversity. It strengthens our social bonds with one other, and it mitigates existential anxiety. While we initially evolved it to survive, purpose is one of the big reasons humans have been so wildly successful. One might say that finding our "reason for being" is in our DNA.
So, take it from a guy who's purpose has ranged from moving mountains to building sandcastles. You don't need to be famous. You don't need to be rich. You don't need to be a leader in your field. You only need to keep looking for that version of yourself that makes you want to get up in the morning (fun fact: why we're called "Day Owl"). Find that person, get to know them, and then share that version of yourself with the world. That's the best version of you. The rest will take care of itself.
And remember, it's been in you the whole time.
Ok, enough soapbox:
Dec 2023
"I had a meeting today with Nina, our head of customer service. Among other stuff, Nina and I both agreed that this new version of Day Owl is about connection. The better we connect with all of you and help you connect, the more fun coming to work is, the better the business does, and maybe (just MAYBE) this thing can be a little deeper than recycled canvas bags, 20% off for the holidays, and free shipping. That may sound like it’s way up in the clouds, but it’s the holidays and I just told my kids that because we don’t have a fireplace, Santa uses the sewer drain pipe to get access to the tree, so this is the most grounded I’ve been all afternoon.
As I think back on this year and why I spend a lot of time with a dumb (if extremely tired) smile on my face, it’s not because we sold a bunch of sustainable backpacks. It’s because you all tell us the incredible things you do with what we make. You travel across continents, you start new jobs, you fall in love...and a little piece of us gets to come along on the journey. I've said this before, but to me, there’s an incredible kind of magic in that.
We hope this holiday season allows you to connect or reconnect with somebody you care about or who cares about you. The season can be hard for so many, but believe me, that connection is an actual gift...for both of you.
Also, remember to flush so Santa can get the presents under the tree.
Happy Holidays. Thank you for indulging this little series of mine each week. Writing for you has been on of the reasons I get up in the morning.
It's For the Birds,
PS-Each week I look at the mistakes I’ve made and the lessons I’ve learned at Day Owl so hopefully, you don't have to. I also do an Instagram reel to go with this note @hellodayowls. This is all rather embarrassing for me and hopefully entertaining for you. We’re calling it all "For the Birds", and this is installment #10. Comment (it makes it so much more fun), ask whatever you want, and if this reminds you of something YOU want to share, text me...724.312.1012.