Stories in action.

Group of People Enjoying Music Concert at a park

Your Guide to National Parks and Recreation Month

Since 1985, the United States has recognized July as National Parks and Recreation Month. Established by the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), this month-long observance highlights the vital role that parks and recreation areas play in our communities and celebrates the employees and volunteers who keep our local parks beautiful. Encouraging people to explore the great outdoors, engage in physical activities, and appreciate the natural and recreational resources available to them, National Parks and Recreation Month is something to celebrate. 

Our parks are timeless treasures, awaiting your discovery and appreciation. Let’s talk about some ways you can celebrate National Parks and Recreation Month this year!

Visit a Local Park

Plan your trip to a new local park

Exploring your local park is a wonderful way to connect with nature without traveling far from home. Try exploring a new park this July to celebrate National Parks and Services Month. 

Start by identifying local parks that offer the amenities and activities you enjoy. Look for parks with hiking trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, or lakes depending on your interests. Use community websites, local government resources, or apps like AllTrails to find information about nearby parks.

Once you’ve selected a park, gather information about its layout and attractions. Download or print maps and guides, and identify popular trails, viewpoints, and facilities. Creating a loose itinerary can help you maximize your visit, ensuring you see and do everything you want.

Even for a local park visit, it’s important to pack appropriately. Wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes. Bring a small backpack packed with essentials such as:

  • Water,
  • Snacks,
  • First-aid kit,
  • Sun protection,
  • And extras like a map and a small trash bag for any litter. 

Follow the Leave No Trace principles to minimize your environmental impact. This includes staying on designated trails, properly disposing of waste, and not feeding wildlife. Observing these guidelines helps preserve the natural beauty for future visitors.

By following these steps, you can ensure a safe, enjoyable, and memorable visit to any national or local park.

Attend a Park Program

Learn something new or move your body through special park programs

During National Parks and Recreation Month, many parks offer a range of special programs and activities designed to enhance visitor engagement and celebrate the outdoors. Here’s an in-depth look at what you can expect.

  • Ranger-led tours -  These tours are guided by knowledgeable park rangers who provide in-depth information about the park's natural and cultural history. Ranger-led tours are an excellent way to gain a deeper understanding of the environment and its significance.
  • Outdoor fitness programs - Some parks offer activities like yoga, tai chi, and boot camp classes in parks to promote physical fitness in a natural setting.
  • Outdoor concerts - Enjoy live music, theater performances, and cultural events hosted in park amphitheaters or open spaces.
  • Picnics and BBQs - See if your local park offers community picnics and BBQs where people can gather, socialize, and enjoy food together.

Programs vary from park to park, so be sure to check the official website of the park or the local parks and recreation department. Look for a section on events, programs, or calendars. Follow the park’s official social media accounts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Parks often share updates, event information, and announcements there.

Take a Hike

Take in the views of your favorite park from a new vantage point

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Hiking is one of the best ways to truly immerse yourself in the natural beauty around you and make the most of National Parks and Services Month. Here’s how to make your hike unforgettable.

  • Choosing your trail - Use resources like websites, guidebooks, and apps such as AllTrails and Hiking Project to find trails that match your fitness level and interests. Consider the trail’s length, elevation gain, and terrain difficulty. Choose a trail that suits your experience and desired level of challenge.
  • Weather and trail conditions - Always check the weather forecast before your hike. Prepare for changes in weather conditions by dressing in moisture-wicking layers and packing rain gear. Verify that the trail is open and check for any alerts or closures. This information is often available on the park’s website or from local ranger stations.
  • Packing your gear - Pack a lightweight day pack for hiking with water, snacks, sunscreen, a GPS, a map, a first aid kit, and anything else you may need to be prepared for your day. 
  • Safety measures - Inform a friend or family member of your hiking plans, including the trail name, route, and estimated return time so someone knows where you are in case of an emergency.

Hike at a comfortable pace and take breaks as needed. Stay hydrated and nourished throughout the hike. Take time to enjoy the scenery, take photos, and appreciate the natural beauty around you.

Plan a Camping Trip

Fully immerse yourself in the great outdoors 

Ready to escape into the wild and spend a night under the stars? Camping, whether it’s in a national park or somewhere more local, is a great way to celebrate National Parks and Services Month. Here’s how to plan a memorable camping trip

  • Pick your campsite - First things first, decide where you want to go. Maybe you’re into towering mountains, deep canyons, or peaceful lakes. Each park has its own vibe, so choose one that excites you. Check out the park’s website or to see what’s available and make your reservation early—spots fill up fast!
  • Plan your fun - Think about what you want to do while you’re there. Hiking, fishing, swimming, and stargazing are all on the table. Sketch out a loose daily schedule so you can fit everything in without feeling rushed. Remember to leave some time to just chill and soak in the scenery.
  • Pack your gear -  Pack a good tent, a cozy sleeping bag, something to cook with (if you plan to make food), trash bags, a cooler, water, lights, and suitable clothes. 
  • Staying safe - Familiarize yourself with the campground rules. Don’t forget to pack a first-aid kit, a multi-tool, and a whistle. 

One of the best parts of camping is disconnecting from the digital world. Enjoy the fresh air, listen to the sounds of nature, and gaze at the stars. This is your time to unwind and recharge. Happy camping!

Get On The Water

Cool off in the summer heat at your local park

Exploring the waterways in your local parks can be a refreshing and exciting way to enjoy the great outdoors. Here are some ways to get on the water and make the most of your time:

  • Kayaking and canoeing - Many parks offer kayak and canoe rentals, and some may even offer guided tours. These activities are great for exploring lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. If you prefer to paddle at your own pace, bring your own kayak or canoe. Check the park’s website for rental information and tour schedules.
  • Stand-Up paddleboarding - Stand-up paddleboarding is a popular activity that combines relaxation and exercise. Paddleboarding offers a unique vantage point for enjoying the scenery and observing wildlife.
  • Fishing - Fishing is a classic outdoor activity where you can certainly relax and unwind. Ensure you have the necessary fishing licenses and permit and follow local regulations
  • Swimming - Designated swimming areas in lakes, rivers, or beaches within the park are perfect for cooling off. Always swim in designated areas and adhere to posted safety guidelines.

Check if you need permits for water activities and follow all park regulations. Always wear a life jacket when in or on the water and carry necessary safety equipment like whistles, first-aid kits, and waterproof maps.

Try Something New

Get out of your comfort zone and find a new perspective

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National Parks and Recreation Month is the perfect time to break away from your usual routine and try something new. Let’s explore some unique activities that can add a touch of excitement and discovery to your outdoor experience.

  • Bird watching - Bird watching is not only a relaxing activity but also a chance to connect with nature on a deeper level. Join a guided bird-watching tour led by experienced naturalists who can teach you how to identify different species by sight and sound. Don’t forget to bring a field guide and a pair of binoculars to enhance your experience.
  • Geocaching - Think of geocaching as a modern-day treasure hunt. Armed with a GPS device or a smartphone app, you’ll navigate to hidden caches located throughout the park. Each cache contains a logbook to sign and sometimes small trinkets to trade.
  • Wildlife photography - Capture the beauty of your local park through the lens of your camera. Whether you’re using a professional camera or a smartphone, you’ll come away with stunning images and great memories.

By stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new, you can create unforgettable memories and deepen your connection to the natural world. So why not make this National Parks and Recreation Month a time of exploration and discovery?

Volunteer Your Time

Connect with nature while making a difference at your local park

Ever thought about giving back to your favorite park? Volunteering is a fantastic way to do it, and there are so many ways to get involved. Let’s dive into a few cool volunteer opportunities you might find at your local park:

  • Park cleanup - Join or organize a litter cleanup event to keep your favorite park beautiful and clean.
  • Trail maintenance - Love hiking? Help keep those trails in tip-top shape! Volunteers can help clear overgrown paths, fix trail markers, and make sure everything is safe for hikers. Spend time outdoors and make a big difference!
  • Habitat restoration - Habitat restoration is all about bringing back the natural beauty and health of the park’s ecosystems. You’ll work with park staff and other volunteers to protect the environment and help native species thrive.

Opportunities may vary from park to park, so be sure to contact your local park to see how you can help.

Support Your Local Park

Make a donation to your park to ensure it remains beautiful for time to come

Giving back to your local park ensures it remains a cherished sanctuary for you and your community. One of the most direct ways to support your local park is through financial contributions. These funds are crucial for a variety of projects, from maintaining trails and facilities to funding educational programs and conservation efforts. Imagine knowing that your donation helps repair a bridge, build a new playground, or plant dozens of trees. Every dollar counts and makes a tangible difference in preserving the park’s beauty and functionality.

National Parks and Recreation Month is a powerful reminder of the immense value our parks hold. Seize the opportunity to connect with nature, try new activities, and give back to our treasured outdoor spaces. Whether you’re hiking, camping, or just enjoying a picnic, there’s no better time to appreciate the great outdoors. 

Ian Rosenberger